8 Thus, with no indication that
life in a state of PLCC is significantly burdensome for the patient, what we owe these patients—let alone patients in less extreme states of cognitive deficiency—is the same level of care, respectful for them and for their life, just as for any other person. The choice of which, and to what extent, life-sustaining treatment should be applied should be based on medical and ethical considerations in accordance with a compassionate approach to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical these patients. In specific cases, conflicting values and interests, like the burden for the family or for society Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at large, should receive due consideration resembling other similar dilemmas. Acknowledgments We are www.selleckchem.com/products/pf299804.html grateful to our colleagues Saralee Glasser, Nina Hakak, Baruch Velan, and Sivan Tamir from The Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research and Dr Avraham Lazari from Reuth Medical Center for stimulating discussions of the subject, and for their enlightening comments on this article. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their very helpful remarks. Abbreviations: fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging; LIS locked-in
syndrome; MCS minimally conscious state; PLCC Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical permanent loss of cognitive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical capacities; PVS persistent vegetative state; VS vegetative state. Footnotes Conflict of interest: No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
MDCTA has emerged as a highly accurate diagnostic modality that avoids the
complications of an invasive procedure and can be easily incorporated into the standard care of trauma patients without significant logistical constraints. The patient is taken to the CT scanner right from the trauma bay. The examination is performed by the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical radiology technician, utilizing pre-existing hardware, software, and contrast injectors. The patient is not under a sterile field, allowing direct monitoring throughout the procedure. MDCTA is rapid, with images obtained in less than 1 minute and easily integrated into the examination of patients with multi-system trauma. Due to the quick nature of the exam, no additional sedation Histone demethylase or pain medication is necessary, other than what is clinically indicated. The contrast is run through a peripheral IV, negating significant risk of local complications, and the contrast load is comparable to a typical 4-vessel run-off angiography. The radiation dose is approximately 1200 MGy/cm, with some variation based on body habitus. This level is below that of standard diagnostic screening angiogram DSA.