The specific content of the training program is outlined in Table Table22. Table 2 Delivery format and content of the “Training program for professional carers to recognise and manage depression in palliative care settings” The intervention is designed to be
delivered in four 90-minute sessions over the course of four consecutive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical weeks. This format was chosen so as to allow participants to engage in simple homework tasks between sessions to facilitate the transfer of learned skills to daily practice, for example, trialling methods of detecting depression or implementing support strategies. The outcomes of set homework tasks will be discussed in a group format at the start of sessions two, three and four, so feedback can be given and any questions or issues addressed. Group discussions such as these will be encouraged throughout Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the program to complement the individual and group activity worksheets used alongside information delivered didactically in a lecture-style format. This dynamic format has been chosen
to encourage both the learning of the program content and the sharing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of experiences and perspectives amongst palliative care staff in diverse roles. A presenter’s manual and slide presentation has been developed and will be accompanied by a training support kit for participants that includes worksheets, a copy of the slide presentation, and information
on resources Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to provide to depressed patients and family members. Evaluation of the training program Palliative care staff Assessment of the program will be achieved by using evaluation measures completed by participating staff in the intervention and control groups pre- and post-training, as well as at a three-month follow-up time point (refer to Table Table1).1). As measures of the variables targeted by this intervention have not previously been developed specifically Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for use in the palliative care context, measures validated in other settings were modified for use in this setting. These were as follows: 1. Knowledge of depression. Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease This measure was developed by the research team as a means of assessing palliative care staffs’ general knowledge about depression. The questionnaire contains 30 items covering knowledge of the signs and symptoms of depression, facts relating to the impact of depression, and Selleck R428 common misconceptions about depression. This scale consisted of items from the Knowledge of Depression Scale [21], which has demonstrated good psychometric properties with aged care staff, and items derived from a pool of knowledge-based questions created by the researchers that are specifically relevant to the palliative care setting.