Even when needs were expressed by relatives, they were not considered as a potential client “How can I put it? Even though I was sad, they did not ask why I was feeling that way…” (R25T2). There was a perception of inequality, of inconsistency in services received by relatives where those who were themselves (or a close one) part of the health care system were favored “I told them that my wife used to be a nurse, so maybe it played in PD0332991 datasheet my favor” (S14T2) or “I think it might have helped communication
with the social worker once they knew that she was also a social worker” (S15T1). Communication abilities of health professionals emerged as a key factor to foster respect and confidence toward health professionals “He gave me his hand, and he explained me this and that. I liked it when they introduced themselves” (R2T1) or “They were always available and always smiling all the time, as if we were not disturbing them, you know” (S1T1). Good communication between health professionals was appreciated but was perceived as a challenge in acute care settings “I would repeat in the evening, repeat over the next morning, I would repeat every hour, because I was there on a working shift, you know. You tell yourself ok, at some point,
I have other things to do. Always repeating…” (R4T1). Information-seeking on the part of relatives was perceived as being the norm “I tell you, it’s the same everywhere. Here [in rehabilitation] or in acute care, it’s just the same thing. If you want information, you have to run after it yourself, that’s all” (R23T2). As relatives needed to seek for services, availability selleck chemicals and attitudes of health professionals emerged as a determinant factor which was perceived as a facilitator when for example doctors would do systematic daily rounds “…we had a doctor who would
come almost every day. He took time to talk with us… he would come early in the morning or in the afternoon at around 3 pm” (S9T2) or when the physical environment was supportive “Yes, and MRIP of course we would pass by, we would walk around, and they were very close… on the ward, three doors away, and the physiotherapist and occupational therapist were there” (R1T2) or when there was a stability in personnel which was mentioned more frequently in the context of rehabilitation as compared to acute care “So we would walk by, and with time they would recognize us because it was always the same staff. And they would talk to us and ask how we were doing and all that” (R1T2). In contrast, barriers mentioned were high staff turnover “In the first few days, there was a lot of staff turnover, and it was difficult to get new information” (R10T1), scheduling issues such as personnel availability only during day time and weekdays (working hours) “…we did not really speak to the neurologist because he was working days, and we could not be there during the day” (R20T1) or “But you know, treatments were during the day.