The poster title and corrected author list appear below. We apologize for the errors. Poster 113 The Development of a Patient Reported Outcome Measure of Economic Quality of Life Noelle E. Carlozzi (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI), David S. Tulsky, Jin-Shei Lai, Pamela A. Kisala, Allen W. Heinemann “
“The authors report that, through an unintentional oversight, portions
of data published by Kwah et al in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation LGK-974 clinical trial (Passive mechanical properties of gastrocnemius muscles of people with ankle contracture after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2012;93:1185-90.) had already been published in a paper in Muscle & Nerve without proper attribution. The study reported in the paper by Kwah et al was part of a larger study investigating the mechanisms of length changes in normal muscles and muscles with contracture. The part of the project comparing muscles of people with contracture after stroke and control subjects was reported in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation paper and the
comparison between muscles of people with contracture after spinal cord injury and control subjects was reported in Muscle & Nerve (Diong JHL et al. Passive mechanical properties of the gastrocnemius after spinal cord injury. Muscle Nerve 2012;46:237-45). Neither the paper in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation nor the paper in Muscle & Nerve clearly acknowledged that these 2 papers reported the same control data. “
“In van Langeveld SA, Post MW, van Asbeck FW, ter Horst P, Leenders J, Postma K, Lindeman E. Reliability of a new classification system for mobility and self-care in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: the Spinal Cord Injury-Interventions Classification System. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009;90:1229-36, an error occurred in the reporting of
data in table 1. The original table 1 contained 3 panels: (1) the agreement between the researcher and participants (percentage of correct interventions) at the first measurement, (2) the intrarater reliability, presented as a percentage of agreement on correct interventions between the researcher and participants at the second measurement, and (3) the interrater reliability presented as a percentage of agreement on correct interventions between the first and second Farnesyltransferase measurement. The second panel, the intrarater reliability, should have been presented as the agreement between the researcher and participants (percentage of correct interventions) at the second measurement, and the third panel, the interrater reliability, should have been presented as the intrarater reliability (therapists with themselves [paired], first with second measurement). The calculations on the interrater reliability (therapists with therapists [paired], first and second measurement combined) were missing (fourth panel). The corrected version of table 1 is displayed below.