7% expressing need
for education in the current 12 months.[9] Remarkably, these UK nurse prescribers also expressed the need for an update on prescribing policy (42.5% within 12 months). In our study among travel health nurses, no such need was mentioned, perhaps because Dutch travel medicine is highly protocolized and the LCR provides updated guidelines twice each year. The content of training programs for nurse prescribing seems to be fairly similar across the Western European/Anglo-Saxon countries, and pharmacology is generally an important component.[6, 8] In the Netherlands, an educational program including special attention to pharmacology is one of the requirements Selleckchem Lumacaftor for the designation of supplementary nurse prescribing. For travel medicine, the nation’s foremost
travel health nursing organization will collaborate with the Dutch Nurses’ Association to create such a program. In addition, the LCR will formulate quality criteria specific to nurse prescribing. Travel health nurses will obtain prescriptive privileges only if they meet both criteria. For a successful implementation of nurse prescribing more is needed, eg, patient acceptance of the nurse as prescriber, organization of a well-equipped working environment, and the opportunity for travel health nurses to become and remain experienced in prescribing. The questionnaire did not incorporate questions toward these topics: currently, most travel health advice in the Netherlands is already performed by travel health nurses. Therefore patient acceptance will be an unlikely barrier. This is also supported by a UK-based review which HIF inhibitor found two studies that investigated patients’ perception of nurse prescribing. Both studies reported that the majority of the patients were in favor of nurse prescribing.[10] Insufficient
GNA12 organizational readiness toward nurse prescribing, for example, lack of prescription pads or inadequate formulary as found in another UK study,[11] is also not likely to cause any implementation problems, as Dutch travel health nurses are already permitted to provide pre-signed prescriptions. Lastly, current LCR quality criteria demand that travel health nurses perform at least 200 travel health consults under supervision per year for registration and at least 250 travel health consults per year for re-registration. Unsafe prescribing due to poor experience will therefore not arise. Our study has some other limitations, such as possible selection bias. Respondents to our questionnaire may feel more strongly about prescribing rights than non-respondents, resulting in overestimation of their aspiration and competence to prescribe. Finally, we attempted to reach all Dutch travel health nurses, but a few LCR-registered travel health nurses may lack an email account. Moreover, the number of unregistered travel health nurses without a subscription to LCR services is unknown.