CDOM may also be used as a proxy for light for the open Baltic Se

CDOM may also be used as a proxy for light for the open Baltic Sea, since it is optically dominant [16], except during cyanobacteria bloom events. Alternatively, remote sensing products may be used for validating the model output of the system. Taking the SPICOSA CZFBL and the advances in coastal remote sensing based on MERIS into account it is possible to monitor the distribution of chlorophyll a as well as the Secchi depth (or the diffuse attenuation coefficient), and to use these as indicators for eutrophication. Such chlorophyll maps can also be used for analyzing time series, trends and ecosystem health [42] and [43]. Chlorophyll a maps as provided by the operational monitoring system could also be used to test the output

of a bio-geochemical model as a proxy of phytoplankton biomass. CDOM maps derived from MERIS may be this website used as a proxy and to spatially extend information on

‘physical-chemical elements’ since colored dissolved organic matter is generally well correlated to DOM [44]. The study presented here, shows that MERIS provides us with a new tool to assess coastal systems from space. Indicators for eutrophication, e.g. chlorophyll a and Secchi depth (respectively Kd(490)), can be successfully derived from remote sensing data. However, it does also raise some questions, such as, could the maps shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 7 be used to relate to the HELCOM objective of Y-27632 2HCl water transparency restoration, for which Secchi depth is a good indicator [12]? There may be an opportunity for this. In addition, increased chlorophyll a concentrations have been identified as a ‘direct effect’ or ‘primary symptom’ for eutrophication, thus it is valid to use chlorophyll a as a monitoring indicator to assess eutrophication [44]. Remote sensing is one of the methods suggested

for deriving chlorophyll a in time series and climatology [15], therefore this would be consistent with existing approaches. The methods developed here are highly relevant both for monitoring the ecological status of the Baltic Sea and for international water management treaties (e.g. the WFD, MSFD and the HELCOM Convention). The methods will contribute to an improved capacity to assess and predict the changing status and trends related to eutrophication. The derived products from ocean color sensors can provide a basis for better decision making in coastal management, e.g. in choosing investigation sites with contrasting water quality, taking local gradients into account and evaluating the monitoring sites synoptically [46]. The use of remote sensing as a monitoring and management tool within ICZM and WFD has been shown to work very well in several studies [46], [47] and [48]. The strength of using remote sensing in integrated coastal zone management is that it can display complex issues in a visual format that is relatively easy to understand, providing a new window to look at the Baltic Sea ecosystem (Fig. 1 and Fig. 5).

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