i. 400 ppm), and water as another control. Treatments were conducted after the pathogen
inoculation spray had dried on the seedlings. Five replicates were performed for the container experiment; the containers were arranged in a randomized block design. All results were analyzed using Duncan’s multiple range test. Disease incidence was rated as the mean number of diseased lesions per container and the total number of lesions was counted. Disease severity was rated as the mean diameter of the lesions; all the lesions on two seedlings per container were measured using a Vernier caliper. The percentage of leaf area per seedling covered with lesions was estimated visually. The protection rate of disease incidence (PI) was calculated as PI (%) = (Nc − Nt)/(Nc × 100), where Nc = number of lesions in the control
buy SB203580 and Nt = number of lesions in the treatment sample. The inhibition rate (IR) of lesion size was defined as IR (%) = (Dc − Dt)/(Dc × 100), where Dc = mean diameter of lesions in the control and Dt = mean diameter of lesions in the treatment. The protection rate of disease severity (PS) was defined as PS (%) = (Ac − At)/(Ac × 100), where Ac = total area of lesions in the control [Nc × π × (Dc/2)2] and At = total area of lesions in the treatment [Nt × π × (Dt/2)2]. To test if B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 had antagonistic selleck chemical effects on the growth of C. panacicola, we first carried out a dual-culture test on a PDA medium. An inhibition zone was evident, produced by the inhibition of mycelial growth via the antifungal activity of B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 ( Fig. 1A). However, normal growth of the fungus was observed in the control ( Fig. 1B). Several previous studies have documented the antagonistic effects of beneficial Molecular motor microorganisms towards fungal pathogens as a result
of the inhibition of conidial germination and inducement of germ tube swelling [4]. In our study, frequent and consistent hyphal swelling of C. panacicola mycelia was induced by cocultivation with B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 ( Fig. 1C). Together, these results indicate that B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 inhibits the growth of C. panacicola. We then investigated the possibility of using B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 as a biological control agent against C. panacicola in vivo and determined its efficacy relative to treatment with the chemical fungicide ITA. The fungicide demonstrated good control of anthracnose in ginseng leaves ( Fig. 2D). Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 2B, B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 effectively attenuated the infection of C. panacicola on ginseng seedlings, whereas symptoms of an advanced infection were observed on the water and TSB controls ( Figs. 2A and 2C). The number of infected lesions per container is indicated in Table 1. B. subtilis HK-CSM-1 was not significantly different (p < 0.05) from ITA ( Table 1) in control efficacy 14 d after inoculation with the pathogen.