Recognise potential drawbacks of involving those under current care of the researcher. Think through plans for PPI and selleck Lenalidomide centre them round the aims and needs of the trial. Agreement about and understanding of what and why PPI is needed will help in planning it. Involving people with experience of the condition, intervention or service where applicable may be particularly germane in identifying research priorities and enhancing trial design. However, the inclusion of patients under the current care of a team member may lead to difficulties for researchers as well as contributors. Ticking several boxes could equate to expensive token
gestures: implications for funders Our findings endorse recent revisions to the NIHR’s standard application form, which now require applicants to clearly define their proposed PPI activity. Asking researchers to specify and explain the type of involvement they envisage and what they expect it to achieve is a step in the right direction and should help to minimise ‘tick box’ tactics and token gestures. However, the risk of strategic minimalism remains if plans are not afforded careful, context-specific consideration by funders and reviewers. Equally, there is a risk of inadvertent PPI profligacy, that is, the encouragement of elaborate plans for
PPI that are disproportionate to the needs of a trial. Ticking several boxes rather than just one box could equally be a token gesture, as well as an expensive one. Therefore,
researchers might be encouraged to think just as much about why, how and when PPI will be useful, as about what and how much PPI. Researchers are also now asked to describe, in their grant applications, any PPI activity that they have undertaken prior to submitting the application. Funding is available to support preapplication PPI, for example the UK-based NIHR Research Development Service offers very small grants, which others have found to be helpful.37 38 However, these grants are not easily or quickly accessible, particularly for those working to Carfilzomib the typically tight deadlines of funding calls. Paradoxically, this renders preapplication PPI the most difficult to implement, even though our findings indicate that it is often most useful at this stage. Innovative organisations that involve patients at a meta-trial level in research priority setting and in schemes such as COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials)39 40 which promotes the involvement of patients in developing ‘core outcome sets’, are providing knowledge and resources that individual trials can use. However, at the level of individual trials infrastructural support for early PPI is also needed.