RNA estimation, integrity tests, DNase digestions, reverse transc

RNA estimation, integrity tests, DNase digestions, reverse transcriptions and quantitative PCR with IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-10 and Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT, house-keeping gene) specific primers and probes were performed as described by Pathak et al. [18]. Expression of each gene was quantified in duplicate for each individual. Cytokine data were transformed following the comparative 2−ΔΔCt approach [28]. Specifically, for each organ, the normalized Ct value of every replicate from an infected individual was normalized over the average of the controls across the infections for that organ as Xijk1/2⁎=Xijk1/2−Xj, where Xijk1/2 GSK1120212 datasheet is the cytokine

value from individual i, organ j experiment k and replicate 1 or 2, and Kj is the average of the same cytokine from the controls for organ j and across all the infections where organ j has been measured. For every individual the average between the normalized replicates was calculated and used

in the subsequent analysis. To highlight differences in cytokine expression within an organ between infection types, a pair-wise Tukey Honest test was performed. Pair-wise relationships between cytokines from the same organ and between intensity of infection and cytokine expression were quantified using generalized linear models (GLM) or linear mixed effect models (LME-REML with restricted maximum likelihood) if different parts of the same organ were used (e.g. SI-1 and SI-4 or top and bottom stomach). In this nearly latter case and to take into account the non-independent sampling of different parts of the same organ Fulvestrant molecular weight from the same individual, the individual ID was included as a random effect and/or autoregressive function of order 1 (AR-1). To examine if co-infection with a second pathogen affected cytokine expression in other organs, pairwise Tukey Honest test was performed for each cytokine between types

of infection in infected and uninfected organ (Fig. 1). In the lungs, IFN-γ against B. bronchiseptica was significantly suppressed when hosts were co-infected with the helminths (both dual and triple co-infections) ( Fig. 1A). Similarly, strong IL-10 expression was observed in the single infection, however, a large variability was found between infections. IL-4 showed no variation among infections and levels were close to baseline (2−ΔΔCt=1). In the spleen, the levels of cytokine expression were relatively low and generally similar between infections with the significant exception of the relatively high IFN-γ and IL-4 values in the dual helminth infection (Fig. 1B). In the mesenteric lymph nodes, cytokines were usually close to baseline values with the exception of IL-4 in the dual helminth infection (Fig. 1C). In the stomach, the expression of cytokines against G. strigosum was similar amongst infections ( Fig. 1D). The only exception was in the fundus where consistently higher IL-4 was found in the B. bronchiseptica–G.

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