The most common somatic POLE mutation (p.Arg286His) localises to the DNA binding pocket adjacent to the exonuclease active site, probably perturbing the structure of the DNA binding pocket. Data from the equivalent residue mutation, p.Pro123Leu, in T4 bacteriophage that produces a strong mutator phenotype confirm Trametinib in vitro this hypothesis [ 47]. POLE amino acid 297 interacts with exonuclease active site residue 275, and mutations here would probably alter the active site conformation. POLE residue 411, however, is not predicted to interact with DNA or catalytic site residues, suggesting that the increased mutation
rate may result from secondary effects on the binding pocket. Hypermutation is, in summary, a very plausible consequence of POLE and POLD1 EDMs. Exome and targeted sequencing data clearly show the mutation spectra of tumors with POLE and POLD1 EDMs [ 31••, 40•• and 48]. Compared to POLE-wild type tumors, EDM-tumors have an increased tendency for somatic base substitutions of all types, typically with about 5000 substitutions in the coding regions alone ( Figure 1). C:G > T:A changes generally remain the most common, but there is a particular increase in the proportion of G:C > T:A and A:T > C:G transversions. Since p.Pro286Arg mutant tumors show a much stronger bias towards transversions than cancers with p.Val411Leu, there is considerable evidence that specific POLE
mutations have different effects on the somatic mutation spectrum. It is of note that somatic mutations secondary to defective proofreading tend to occur at sites flanked by an A base on the “positive” DNA learn more strand, rather than by T, G or C.
The causes for this observation are currently unknown, although lower helix ‘melting’ temperatures of A:T tracts are a plausible contributing factor. Notably, in CRCs with EDMs, the spectrum and/or frequency of known driver mutations is unusual ( Figure 2). Recurrent mutations are frequently observed ADAM7 in the known CRC driver genes, but these are often of types and at positions other than the common hotspots. Examples include nonsense changes at codon 1114 of APC, 1322 of MSH6 and 213 of TP53, and missense mutations at codons 117 and 146 of KRAS and 88 of PIK3CA [ 31•• and 49]. Some of these mutations, such as KRAS p.Lys117Asn occur adjacent to oligo(A) tracts and hence at putative hypermutable sites in a proofreading-deficient background. We speculate that such mutations might be functionally suboptimal with respect to the ‘classical’ mutations, such as those at KRAS codons 12 and 13, yet are tolerated because the ultramutator cancer can acquire additional, advantageous mutations rapidly; we have termed this the ‘mini-driver’ or ‘polygenic’ model of tumorigenesis. However, other recurrent mutations, such as PIK3CA p.Arg88Gln, do not occur in at A:T-rich context.