Therefore, local direct and indirect emissions can be clearly dem

Therefore, local direct and indirect emissions can be clearly demonstrated.Evidently, the GHG emissions embodied in final demand activities, denoted by EEFD [5, 27], can be calculated as the product of embodied intensity and corresponding final demand volume from Sector j, asEEFDj=��jLfjL.(7)Emission embodied in trade is a useful indicator to reveal transferring carbon emissions. Focusing on local emissions, emissions embodied in trade include emissions embodied in exports but exclude emissions embodied in imports. Combining GHG emissions from other domestic and foreign regions, GHG emissions embodied in exports (EEEj), including emissions embodied in exports to other domestic regions (EEEjD) and exports to foreign regions (EEEjF), can be expressed asEEEj=EEEjD+EEEjF=��jLejD+��jLejF,(8)where ejD and ejF denote the export to other domestic regions and export to foreign regions of Sector j.

2.3. Data SourcesMost relevant environmental resources and economic data are adopted or derived from the recently issued official statistical yearbooks, such as Beijing Statistical Yearbook [28], China Agriculture Yearbook [29], China Energy Statistical Yearbook [30], China Environment Yearbook [31], China Industry Economics Statistical Yearbook [32], and China Statistical Yearbook for Regional Economy [33].In this paper, all the three main GHG emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O are taken into consideration. The calculation of energy-related CO2 emissions is based on a previous study [5], and the energy consumption data sources are from BSY and CESY by utilizing the default emission factors of IPCC [34].

For CO2 emissions from industrial processes, the data of industrial products can be found in BSY, CIESY, and other sources. And corresponding emission factors are also adopted from IPCC combined with Chen and Zhang [14]. As to CH4 and N2O, the data from different emission sources are derived from BSY, CAY, CESY, CEY, CIESY, and other databases. Since some specific emission factors need to suit the Chinese situation, this paper adopts the emission factors from Chen and Zhang [14].Obtained from the most recently available Beijing Bureau of Statistics, the Beijing’s economic input-output table 2007 is adopted. In this table, the Beijing economy is divided into 42 sectors, including AV-951 1 sector for the first industry, 25 sectors for the second industry, and 16 sectors for the third industry, as listed in Table 2. The economic flows of input-output table are based on producer prices in 2007 with a unit of ten thousand Chinese Yuan.Table 2Sectors for Beijing’s economic input-output table 2007 [5].3. Results3.1. Direct Emissions3.1.1. Carbon Dioxide The total direct CO2 emissions amount to 1.01E + 08t. Guo et al.

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