Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Table 1: IRREKO@LRR proteins. Database; Protein accession number or identification number in EMBL or NCBI. Consensus; The consensus sequences of complete IRREKO@LRRs BTK phosphorylation with 21 residues are shown. Bold uppercase letters indicate more than 60%, normal uppercase letters indicate more than 50% and less than 60%, and normal lowercase
letters indicate less than more than 30% and less than 50%. “”L”" in the consensus sequence denotes Leu, Val, or Ile. “”x”" denotes any residues. Length; The length of complete amino acid sequences of proteins. LRR repeat; The repeat number of LRR domain. Number is the repeat number of complete IRREKO@LRRs with 21 residues. The numeral in the parenthesis is total repeat number of LRRs. 1st LRR; The LRR class of the first repeat of LRR domain. SIGNAL; The Occurrence (○) and no-occurrence (-) of signal peptide sequence. LRRNT; The pattern of cysteine clusters of the N-terminal side of LRR domain. (XLS 76 KB) Additional file 2: Figure S1: Sequence alignments of the LRR domain in seventeen IRREKO@ LRR proteins. (A) Escherichia coli yddk; (B) Bifidobacterium find more animalis BIFLAC_05879; (C) Vibrio harveyi HY01 A1Q_3393; (D) Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908 SwooDRAFT_0647; (E) Unidentified eubacterium SCB49 SCB49_09905; (F) Colwellia psychrerythraea CPS_3882; (G) Listeria monocytogenes lmo0331 protein; (H) Treponema
denticola TDE_0593; (I) Polaromonas naphthalenivorans Pnap_3264; (J) Ddelta proteobacterium MLMS-1 MldDRAFT_4836; (K) Kordia algicida OT-1 KAOT1_04155; (L) Coprococcus eutactus ATCC 27759 COPEUT_03021; (M) Clostridiales bacterium 1_7_47_FAA Cbac1_010100006401; (N) Listeria MRT67307 molecular weight lin1204/LMOf6854_0364; (O) Escherichia coli SMS-3-5 EcSMS35_1703; (P) Escherichia coli O157:H7 ECS2075/Z2240;
(Q) Trichomonas vaginalis G3 TVAG_084780. Overall consensus sequences of IRREKO@LRRs – LxxLxLxxNxLxxLDLxx(N/L/Q/x)xx or LxxLxLxxNxLxxLDLxx(N/L/Q/x)xx – are shown. The consensus amino acids are highlighted with reverse-contrast. Also the consensus amino acids of “”SDS22-like”" LRR with the consensus of LxxLxLxxNxLxxLxxLxxLxx Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II and of “”Bacterial”" LRR with the consensus of LxxLxxNxLxxLPxLPxx are highlighted with reverse-contrast. Cysteines of the cysteine clusters at the N-terminal side of LRR domain are shown by underlined bold letter. Cons., the overall consensus sequences of IRREKO@LRRs; SIGNAL, signal peptide sequence; LRR; leucine rich repeat (LRR); IRREKO, IRREKO LRR; SDS22; “”SDS22-like”" LRR; BAC; “”Bacterial”" LRR; ISLAND, Island region interrupting LRRs; N-TERM, the N-terminal region of proteins; C-TERM, the C-terminal region of proteins; LRRNT; the region of cysteine clusters at the N-terminal side of LRR domain. (DOC 208 KB) Additional file 3: Figure S2: Self-dot matrices for four IRREKO@LRR proteins.