g , photonic crystals, into porous silicon based sensors improved

g., photonic crystals, into porous silicon based sensors improved their sensing capabilities in two ways. On the one hand the sensitivity and specificity provided by the porous silicon sensor was considerable enhanced. The sharp resonant optical response of the photonic crystal makes it much easier to detect small shifts in the reflectivity spectrum leading to detection limits on the femtomolar level. The incorporation of a lateral porosity gradient provides a size exclusion filter resulting in improved specificity of a porous sensor [8]. On the other hand photonic crystal sensors allow for the detection of analytes by the naked eye. Based on their internal structure photonic crystal solely reflect light at distinct frequencies and therefore appear as a pure color to the eye.

Penetration of analytes into the pores consequently cause easily noticeable color changes in the photonic crystal sensors.2.?Fabrication of Porous Silicon Photonic CrystalsPorous silicon was accidently discovered in the mid-1950s by Uhlir and Uhlir, who tried to find a convenient method for electropolishing silicon wafers [9]. They found that upon electrochemical etching of silicon wafers in fluoride containing solutions small holes can propagate in the <100> direction in the Si wafer. The overall electrochemical reaction for Si etching is given by Equation (1):Si+6F�C+2H++2h+��SiF62?+H2(1)in which h+ is a hole injected into the valence band of the semiconductor. The simplicity of this reaction equation belies the complexity of porous silicon formation which involves electronic as well as chemical factors.

Numerous parameters such as the applied voltage, the chosen silicon substrate (dopant type and concentration), the electrolyte composition, temperature and light intensity have a considerable influence on the resulting silicon nanostructure. A detailed discussion of porous silicon formation is beyond the scope of this review and can be found in reference [10]. However, in general pores nucleate randomly but homogenously on the silicon surface upon electrochemical etching leading to pores with a narrow pore diameter distribution. The pore diameters can be easily controlled and varied between a few and several thousands of nanometers. Figure 2(a) shows a schematic of the porous silicon formation process.

Etching occurs mainly at the pore tips as holes are directed to the tips by the electric field and etching of the pore walls is prevented by passivation upon etching. Hence, dissolution Entinostat of silicon is primarily obtained at the porous silicon/crystalline silicon interface. An example for an applied current density versus time waveform for electrochemical etching and a corresponding SEM image of an etched porous silicon layer are displayed in Figure 2(b,c), respectively.Figure 2.Fabrication of porous silicon. (a) Schematic of porous silicon formation by electrochemical etching. Adapted from Reference [11].

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