Table I includes the dosing

and most frequently reported

Table I includes the dosing

and most frequently reported adverse events in the abovementioned studies. Table I Selected acute trials in the treatment of pediatric bipolar disorder. DVPX, divalproex Maintenance treatments While bipolar disorder is a chronic condition, little attention has focused on long-term maintenance treatments in youth. In one of the few maintenance trials, Kafantaris et al111 randomized Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical adolescents who had been stabilized on lithium monotherapy for a minimum of 4 weeks to either lithium or placebo for 2 subsequent weeks of treatment. GSK2656157 Results showed that there was not a significant difference between treatment groups in rates of symptom exacerbation. Although this study

provides preliminary insights regarding the continued use of lithium in adolescents with mania, definitive conclusions about lithium as a maintenance treatment cannot be determined from these data. Although this was an Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical important trial, methodological limitations included a small sample size, the study’s brevity, and the fact that there was a relatively abrupt discontinuation of lithium over 3 days in those subjects randomized to receive placebo in the discontinuation phase. In another maintenance double Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical -blind trial, the efficacy of lithium or DVPX monotherapy for up to 76 weeks in youths who had been stabilized on combination lithium and DVPX treatment was examined.112 In this study, no difference in length of study enrollment was found between the lithium Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and DVPX sodium treatment groups, with both groups ending the study after a mean of approximately 20 weeks.112 These results appear to indicate that once a patient responds to a combination treatment, discontinuation of one of the agents used in combination therapy may lead to symptom relapse. Psychosocial treatments Favorable results in the treatment of bipolar disorder are not limited to medication

trials. Several Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical psychosocial treatments have shown positive results in the treatment of youth with bipolar disorder. For example, dialectal behavior therapy has been reported to significantly improve suicidally, self-injurious behavior, emotional Metalloexopeptidase dysrcgulation, and depressive symptoms after 1 year of sessions in adolescents diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder currently receiving psychotropic medications.113 In addition, a 21-session adjunctive familyfocused treatment (FFT) that included psychocducation, communication enhancement training, and problem-solving skills training was found to decrease depressive symptoms, maniac symptoms, and behavior problems in adolescents with bipolar disorder.114 Moreover, individual family treatment (IFP) and multifamily psychoeducation groups (MFPG) were developed to provide support, psychoeducation, and increase problem-solving and communication skills in families with a child with a mood disorder.

The specific content of the training program is outlined in Tabl

The specific content of the training program is outlined in Table ​Table22. Table 2 Delivery format and content of the “Training program for professional carers to recognise and manage depression in palliative care settings” The intervention is designed to be

delivered in four 90-minute sessions over the course of four consecutive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical weeks. This format was chosen so as to allow participants to engage in simple homework tasks between sessions to facilitate the transfer of learned skills to daily practice, for example, trialling methods of detecting depression or implementing support strategies. The outcomes of set homework tasks will be discussed in a group format at the start of sessions two, three and four, so feedback can be given and any questions or issues addressed. Group discussions such as these will be encouraged throughout Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the program to complement the individual and group activity worksheets used alongside information delivered didactically in a lecture-style format. This dynamic format has been chosen

to encourage both the learning of the program content and the sharing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of experiences and perspectives amongst palliative care staff in diverse roles. A presenter’s manual and slide presentation has been developed and will be accompanied by a training support kit for participants that includes worksheets, a copy of the slide presentation, and information

on resources Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to provide to depressed patients and family members. Evaluation of the training program Palliative care staff Assessment of the program will be achieved by using evaluation measures completed by participating staff in the intervention and control groups pre- and post-training, as well as at a three-month follow-up time point (refer to Table ​Table1).1). As measures of the variables targeted by this intervention have not previously been developed specifically Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for use in the palliative care context, measures validated in other settings were modified for use in this setting. These were as follows: 1. Knowledge of depression. Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease This measure was developed by the research team as a means of assessing palliative care staffs’ general knowledge about depression. The questionnaire contains 30 items covering knowledge of the signs and symptoms of depression, facts relating to the impact of depression, and Selleck R428 common misconceptions about depression. This scale consisted of items from the Knowledge of Depression Scale [21], which has demonstrated good psychometric properties with aged care staff, and items derived from a pool of knowledge-based questions created by the researchers that are specifically relevant to the palliative care setting.

Herein, we specify a program of study for intervention researche

Herein, we specify a program of study for intervention researchers to pursue that may aid in accelerating the empirical specification of mechanisms of change in these interventions. First, using the wide range of existing interventions and with newly developed interventions that show promise, we suggest that clinical scientists in this field begin to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical focus on identifying predictors of individual difference in response (ie, moderators)

to these treatments. Such predictors may include factors such as gender, age, cognitive ability,129 or level of comorbid psychopathology. Such research would have implications for both future intervention research and immediate practice. It would permit the specification of models to empirically identify more promising mechanisms of response across treatments (eg, if more cognitively able youth respond better to CBT interventions, it may suggest that cognitive processing of intervention strategies may

be a pathways through which these interventions “work”). Just as importantly, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical though, it would directly aid in the development of markers to inform treatment selection for individual patients among the already-large Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and ever-growing body of putatively “evidence-based” psychosocial interventions. Such markers will be Tasocitinib mw essential during the intermediate period, as the field begins to narrow down and optimize interventions based on developing research. Finally, it may be argued that answering “for whom” (see refs 8-10) any given treatment is likely to be most effective Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is particularly imperative in treatment research for ASD, given the heterogeneity of this clinical population.3,9,25,130 Relatedly, as the field begins to specify more precisely the neuroanatomical131 and electrophysiological93,94 processes underlying social dysfunction in ASD, it is crucial that such processes be included in this first phase. Notably, biomarkers such as a delayed N170 ERP component in response Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to faces95

Mephenoxalone may be used to begin to differentiate participants’ response to existing interventions based on theoretically sound principles. For instance, individual differences in N170 response may be used to determine whether or not processing deficits should be directly targeted in some participants and not others, in a treatment program seeking to improve social competence. Additionally, such biomarkers may be used to index change in neural processes in response to intervention,97 providing concrete measures of more systematic (and potentially enduring) change, as well as supporting the possibility of plasticity in neuropathological processes previously thought to be intractable.132 Second, we recommend the careful testing of proximal effects of these theorized mechanisms in lab-based settings.

2; p = 0 002) (Table 4, Fig 3) Fig 3 Postoperative velocity ve

2; p = 0.002) (Table 4, Fig. 3). Fig. 3 selleckchem Postoperative velocity vector image strain analysis. A and B: The circumferential strain analysis of ASM- and ASM+. C and D: The changes of radial velocity of ASM- and ASM+. ASM: abnormal interventricular septal motion, VRad: radial velocity, AS: antero-septum, … Table 4 Pre and post-operative mid wall systolic VRad analysis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Discussion

ASM can be associated with many other conditions such as constrictive pericarditis,1) right ventricular overload,8) right ventricular pacing,9) left bundle branch block,10) septal ischemia or infarction, and congenital absence of the pericardium. Although these entities have different characteristics, their initial appearance by echocardiography may be similar. There are only few suggestions for the management of ASM after OHS besides monitoring the frequency of ASM, which can usually be achieved using postoperative echocardiography. Furthermore, to our knowledge, there was no Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical published study that investigated

whether ASM is a consequence of pericardial constriction. Righetti et al.12) reported that ASM is related to ischemic injury to the septum during CBS. However, other subsequent studies have demonstrated that ischemic injury is an unreliable mechanism for ASM.13),14) Further, our results suggest that ischemic injury is not related to ASM. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical An ischemic injury to the septum would result in a decrease in septal thickness; however, our data indicated intact septal thickness after surgery in

patients with ASM. Furthermore circumferential and global strains, which are more sensitive tools for detecting ischemic injury of the myocardium,15),16) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical did not change preoperatively and postoperatively in both groups. LV ejection fraction and systolic mitral annular velocity, which is a good tool for systolic function assessment in patients with ASM,17) was similar in both groups. The other possible explanation is the change of the position or mobility of the heart within the chest. Moreover, ASM is a typical finding associated with the congenital absence of the pericardium18) or pericardiectomy.7) De Nardo et al.19) reported an Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical increased anterior motion of the entire heart because of pericardiotomy, and Wranne et al.20) demonstrated the restriction of the right ventricular of contraction from the chest walls using transesophageal echocardiography during surgery. Similarly, our data showed that systolic VRad of the antero-septum and anterior wall decreased during systole after OHS in patients with ASM. This finding reflects a decreased inward motion of the antero-septum compared to other segments of the LV myocardium and thus, indicates exaggerating interventricular septal motion. However still, the reason for the reduction in systolic VRad in the antero-septum and anterior wall remains unclear. We hypothesized that subtle conduction disturbance (transient or not) after cardiac surgery21),22) is a possible explanation for the systolic VRad reduction.

Dose adjustments, to be made after 2 days of therapy at a dose l

Dose adjustments, to be made after 2 days of therapy at a dose level, were then made as needed, based on the patient’s degree of opioid tolerance,

general condition and medical status, concurrent medication, type and severity of pain, and the amount and frequency of rescue Belnacasan in vitro medication needed for breakthrough pain. Dose increases Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical were to be generally in 8 mg increments for patients receiving total daily doses of up to 32 mg and 16 mg increments in patients receiving doses of greater than 32 mg/day. IR hydromorphone 2 and 4 mg tablets were dispensed for breakthrough pain. The maximum daily dose of rescue medication was not to exceed 10-15% of the daily OROS® hydromorphone dosage. The treatment phase of the study lasted for up to 1 year, during which time patients returned Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to the clinic at monthly intervals for assessment. During these monthly evaluations, any unused study medication was collected and

new medication was dispensed, the BPI and global evaluations of overall medication effectiveness were administered, and AEs and concomitant medications were documented. Patients were able to receive a bowel regimen for the management of chronic opioid-related constipation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical if necessary. At 12 months or premature discontinuation (when a patient discontinued from the study early), the study completion visit was carried out. At this visit, the BPI and global evaluations were administered,

AEs and concomitant medications were documented, and a physical examination was done. Statistical methods All data from patients who had received at least 1 dose of study Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical medication were included in all efficacy and safety analyses. The primary efficacy measure was 5 questions of the BPI assessing pain qualities in the past Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 7 days [47], which was completed by the investigator in consultation with the patient at baseline, each monthly visit, and study completion or early discontinuation. The following BPI end points were investigated: • Change from baseline in pain at its worst in the past 7 days (BPI question 3) • Change from baseline in pain at its least in the past 7 days before (BPI question 4) • Change from baseline in pain on average (BPI question 5) • Change from baseline in current pain (BPI question 6) • Change from baseline in pain relief in the past 7 days (BPI question 8) BPI questions 3, 4, 5, and 6 were measured on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (pain as bad as you can imagine); question 8 was measured on a scale of 0% (no relief) to 100% (complete relief). Secondary efficacy measures were assessed monthly and at study completion or early discontinuation. The first secondary efficacy measure was an evaluation of quality of life (QoL) from question 9 of the BPI, analysed as change from baseline in how pain has interfered with the patient’s life in the past 7 days.

As examples, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and histamine re

As examples, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and histamine receptor MGCD0103 manufacturer antagonists are both widely used in their prescription and over-the-counter forms. Both are occasionally mentioned as causes of confusion. For some medications, conflicting data exist regarding whether the medication itself can be independently implicated in causing cognitive impairment, (eg, histamine receptor antagonists)64 or whether the elderly are more sensitive to a particular undesirable effect, (eg, alprazolam).65 Some medications may indirectly participate in causing cognitive difficulties by impairing normal excretion of a drug with CNS effects.66 Such drug

interactions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical arc most common with the very potent inhibitors of drug metabolism (eg, ketoconazole inhibition of CYP3 A4).67 The same may prove to be true of inhibition of drug transport. For herbal and other dietary Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical supplements, there are few data available to make any kind of assessment. In spite of assigned “likelihood” for causing undesirable CNS effects, any change in cognitive function that occurs during the course of any drug or “health aid” therapy should immediately prompt the consideration

that medication or supplements may be involved. This is particularly Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical true for the frail elderly and those hospitalized in critical care settings. Medications with anticholinergic characteristics These medications can cause a wide range of symptomatology ranging from deficits in attention and memory to florid delirium. Anticholinergic activity can be found in drugs across many therapeutic classes. Scopolamine is used to model the memory deficits found in Alzheimer’s disease.68 Atropine and scopolamine can cause delirium even in low doses and when used as mydriatics.22 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Oxybutynin, cyclobenzaprine, diphenhydramine, trihexyphenidyl, benztropine, doxepin, amitriptyline, clomipramine, trimipraminc, imipramine, protriptylinc, clozapine, chlorpromazine, chlorprothixene, and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical thiothixene are just some of the drugs that possess significant anticholinergic activity.63

Psychotropic characteristics of some of the above, such as the tricyclic antidepressants and neuroleptics, may be additive with the anticholinergic properties Oxalosuccinic acid in causing undesirable symptomatology. It should be noted that proper drug treatment, of geriatric depression has been shown to improve cognitive abilities even when accompanied by slight increases in serum anticholinergicity.69 Sedative-hypnotics A variety of effects are detectable and vary with the use pattern and particular drug. Some “toxicity” can be viewed as an extension of therapeutic effect. The benzodiazepines have received extensive study.28,37,38 Following acute and chronic benzodiazepine administration, aged individuals may achieve higher plasma levels, with consequently more pronounced sedation and performance impairment. In addition, the aged may exhibit increased sensitivity to some benzodiazepines.

2009) Acute activation of nAChRs by nicotine appears to produce<

2009). Acute activation of nAChRs by nicotine appears to produce

anxiolytic effects in mouse models that can be blocked by nAChR antagonist mecamylamine. In addition, nicotine appeared to attenuate expression of c-Fos in numerous brain areas normally upregulated during stress, including the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, central amygdaloid nucleus, medial amygdaloid nucleus and cingulate and retrosplenial cortices (Hsu et al. 2007). In one controlled study conducted in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical humans, administration of nicotine also improved mood in nonsmokers with major depression (McClernon et al. 2006). In contrast to these findings, acute administration of nicotine into the lateral septum of rats precipitated an anxiogenic effect that was at least partially

mediated by serotonin 1A receptors (Cheeta et al. 2000). Enhanced anxiety is a known initial side effect Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to the early administration of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (Spigset 1999), a time of significantly increased serotonergic transmission. It is possible that enhanced release of serotonin via nAChR activation may partially explain nicotine’s anxiogenic effects in some circumstances. It should be noted, however, that acute effects of nicotine generally appear to differ from chronic effects, with homeostatic adaptations potentially underpinning longer term effects. In this context, the above results Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical suggesting an acute anxiolytic effect of nicotine in animal models contrasts sharply with knowledge that most available antidepressants are antagonists of nAChRs (Shytle et al. 2002) and physostigmine, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, produces increased depressive and anxiety symptoms when administered Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Janowsky et al. 1974). A further Gamma-secretase cleavage observation that may help clarify these seemingly conflicting effects is that of nicotine-induced nAChR desensitization. Desensitization

of nAChRs is a complex process that occurs with normal cholinergic transmission and varies with degree of transmission and receptor subtype (Dani and Bertrand 2007). As nicotine enters the brain more gradually and is cleared more slowly than endogenous ACh, nicotine has the no ability to induce more sustained desensitization of nAChRs (DeBry and Tiffany 2008). In this regard, exogenous nicotine can potentially exert a more profound inhibition of nAChRs than endogenous acetylcholine, leading to a potential decrease in release of various neurotransmitters. To support this, desensitization of nAChRs by low concentrations of nicotine lead to reduced release of GABA and dopamine in mice brains (Grady et al. 2012). These effects may underpin observations in human studies of depression, where nicotine and other cigarette components altering neurotransmitter system may partially explain development of depressed states (Dome et al. 2010).

A tender right axillary adenopathy was felt The remainder of the

A tender right axillary adenopathy was felt. The remainder of the examination was normal. The CBC showed the following values: white blood cell count 7.3 x 109/L, with a normal differential; hemoglobin 129 g/L, hematocrit 38.2 %, mean corpuscular volume 116 f L, platelet count 15 x 109/L. The blood smear was unremarkable, except for thrombocytopenia. Coagulation parameters were normal, as was serum creatinine level. Liver function tests results showed nonspecific abnormalities, consisting of elevation of aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase levels. Total serum PI-103 cell line protein level was high at 87 g/L (normal 60 g-80 g/L), with normal albumin at 42 g/L. The patient denied any excess Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of alcohol consumption.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid levels were 434 pmol/L (normal greater

than Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or equal to 133 pmol/L), and 17.2 nmol/L (normal greater than or equal to 11.8 nmol/L), respectively. A serum protein electropheresis (SPEP) showed no monoclonal peak. The diagnosis of an immune mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP), either idiopathic or secondary to an infection, was entertained. Given the patient’s exposure to a cat, she was tested for Bartonella Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical henselae antibodies. Antibody titers were high, 1:640 the week of the consultation, 1:1280 two weeks later. No response of the platelet count was observed after steroid and immune globulin therapy. A bone marrow aspiration-biopsy showed hypercellularity with megaloblastoid changes, micromegakaryocytes, and a normal blast count of 2%. Cytogenetics revealed trisomy 8. No tumor cells were seen in the biopsy specimen. The diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome was made. The previous exposure Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to radiotherapy and chemotherapy suggested therapy-related MDS (t-MDS). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Although not entirely ruled out,

a concomitant diagnosis of myelodysplasia and anal cancer appears unlikely, given the entirely normal values of the CBC at the patient’s first consultation. In addition, we cannot entirely rule out that this patient presented sequentially two diseases that were not connected. As no family match for stem-cell transplantation was identified, Ribonucleotide reductase she was started on azacytidine, with normalization of the platelet count after six cycles. The duration of the remission after the end of treatment was only four months. T-MDS is a rare but serious complication of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, resulting from DNA damage in the hematopoietic cells. It can be considered a consequence of the lack of selectivity of these therapeutic modalities, since they affect both normal and malignant cells. However, the exact pathogenic mechanism of this adverse reaction is not fully known. Two classical presentations have been described in association with chemotherapy: 1. An earlier form, usually occurring within 3 years of exposure to inhibitors of topoisomerase II (1), and with typical abnormalities of chromosomes 11 and 21.

Tissue Processing for Histological Studies The harvested organs w

Tissue Processing for Histological Studies The harvested organs were carefully dissected out, and trimmed of fat and connective tissue. The tissues were processed by the method described below with slight modification.12 The steps involved in tissue processing included fixation, AG-1478 nmr dehydration, clearing, infiltration, embedding, blocking, sectioning, and staining. The tissues were fixed

in 10% formaline, and then transferred to a graded series of ethanol (50%, 70%, 90%, absolute alcohol), and cleared in xylene. Once cleared, the tissues were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical infiltrated in molten paraffin wax in the oven at 58°C. Three changes of molten paraffin wax at one-hour intervals were made, after which the tissues were embedded in wax and made into blocks of wax. Microtome whose sectioning size knob was adjusted to five µm thick was used to section the block. The sections were fixed on clean slides and later stained with hematoxylin and eosin. All procedures Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical involving animals in this study conformed to the guiding principles for research involving

animals as recommended by the Declaration of Helsinki and the Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals,13 and were approved by the Departmental Committee on the Use and Care of Animals in conformity with international acceptable standards. Results Microscopic sections of prostate showed inter-group variations including, varying degrees Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of dilatations of the prostatic gland as well as of their intraluminal secretions (figures 1-​-4).4). There appear, however, to be an increased dilatation resulting in crowding Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the glands in those given doses of 25 and 50 mg/100 g body weight of the extract. A lesser degree of crowding and dilatation than that of the control was seen in those given 15 mg/100 g of the extract. Microscopic sections of testes Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical showed that the seminiferous tubules of the control had regular cytoarchitecture with all cells of the spermatogenic series represented (figures 5-​-8).8). The tubular lumen showed numerous

spermatozoa. The cellular interstitium revealed normal interstitial cells. The testes of rats treated with 50 mg/100 g of the extract revealed a marked reduction in spermatids and spermatozoa in about 20% to 30% of tubules. why Less than 10% of tubules were similarly affected in the group given 25 mg/100 g of the extract compared to rats in the control group or those receiving 15 mg/100 g. There was no difference between microscopic sections of testes or prostate of all groups 56 days after the discontinuation of treatment with the extract (figure 1-​-88). Figure 1 Microscopic sections (Haematoxylin & Eosin staining, Mag. x100) of the prostate of control rats (receiving normal saline) sacrificed at the end of 8 weeks (a) and 16 weeks (b). L=lumen of gland; G=prostate gland Figure 2 Microscopic sections (Haematoxylin & Eosin staining, Mag.

89,90 There are usually no associated brain anomalies or other co

89,90 There are usually no associated brain anomalies or other congenital malformations, although occasionally the SBH can merge anteriorly with pachygyric cortex which has been described as a “pachy-band.”79 Microscopic examination of SBH shows the band to consist of a superficial zone of disorganized neurons, an intermediate

zone of small neurons with some columnar organization and a deeper zone where the heterotopia may break into nodules. Trie overlying cortex has a normal histological appearance.65 All forms of SBH are thought to be a defect of neuroblast migration with neurons that fail to migrate completely forming the heterotopic band.91 Patients Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with SBH will usually have mild-to-moderate intellectual disability and a mixed seizure disorder with onset at any age, but occasionally delayed until the second or third decade.87,92,93 The spectrum of epilepsy and intellectual Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical disability is wide with severity roughly correlating with the thickness of the heterotopic

band.92 Typical SBH shows a striking skewing of sex ratio to females,87,91 although the malformation has rarely been reported in males as well.94,97 Occasional patients with mild partial forms of SBH may appear asymptomatic.90 Patients with SBH usually have no dysmorphic features or other congenital anomalies. SBH is rarely recognized using CT Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical scanning and when seen may be mistaken for lissencephaly, and partial forms may be difficult

to appreciate, even using MRI. MRI will show a four-layered cerebral parenchyma composed of (from Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor ventricle to cortex); (i) normal periventricular white matter; (ii) layer of heterotopic gray matter; (iii) thin layer of subcortical white matter; and (iv) normal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cortical gray matter,92 as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Imaging features of subcortical band heterotopia. Sagittal (left) and coronal (right) T1-weighted MRIs showing typical features of subcortical band heterotopia with bilateral, symmetric band of tissue with identical signal to cortical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical gray matter interspersed … Mutations in two genes have been identified as causing SBH; the DCX gene and the LIS1 gene. The vast, majority of both sporadic all and familial cases of the most common form of SBH (bilateral, symmetric, and with a frontal predominance) are due to mutations of DCX. 89,98 As DCX is carried on the X chromosome males with mutations in DCX will usually have classical lissencephaly whereas females will have SBH. It is assumed that females with SBH secondary to DCX mutations have two populations of neurons; those with the mutant gene inactive that migrate normally and form the cortex, and those with the normal gene inactivated that migrate abnormally and form the heterotopic band. Carriers of mild DCX mutations may show no evidence of SBH on MRI, but may have intellectual disability or epilepsy.